Difference between Ayurveda Homeopathy and Allopathy


Ayurveda is originated from Sanskrit, composed of “Ayus” and “Veda.” “Ayus” stands for life and “Veda” is knowledge of science. Ayurveda is in combination, ‘the knowledge of life’ or ‘the science of life. According to Charaka (the ancient Ayurvedic scholar), “ayu” means the mind, body, senses, and soul.


Homeopathic medicine system works on the principle of ‘like cures like’ (Similia Similibus Curanter). This medicine system of healing was coined by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. He has translated a book on the medicinal properties of drugs. During that time he read the properties of the medicine Cinchona and saw Cinchona cures malaria, because of its bitter taste. After that he named his new healing science by combining the two Greek words homeo-, meaning “same,” and pathy, meaning “disease.” Materia Medica is a book where the properties of medicines are listed on healthy individuals. The homeopathy system relies on this book.


In the Allopathy system, the drugs are manufactured using synthetic chemicals or chemicals derived from natural products like plants, animals, or mineral sources. Various drugs like tablets, capsules, injections, tonic, etc. It also uses modern equipments for diagnosis, analysis, and surgery.

Difference between Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Allopathy

Differences between Ayurveda and Homeopathy:

1. The system believes in preventing disease.1. The system believes in curing a disease.
2. Ayurvedic medicines complement allopathic medicines.2. Homeopathy is against allopathic medicines.
3. The system believes: the health and well-being of a person depend on the balance of three key components, wind, bile, and phlegm.3. The system believes: in the “vitalist” philosophy, i.e. some internal or external factors disturb the vital force of the body which affects the health of a person.
4. The system uses some surgical procedures such as “Kshar Sutra” or purification techniques like “Panchkarma” for treating diseases.4. The system is not using any surgical procedures.
5. This system uses herbs, minerals like sulfur, copper, lead, arsenic, gold, vegetable drugs, and animal products such as milk, gallstones, and bones to make the medicines.5. This system uses various plants, synthetic materials, mineral substances that are diluted in alcohol or distilled water. The final medicine contains only a small percentage of the substance.
6. The medicines may incorporate a small number of toxic materials such as lead, mercury, arsenic6. The medicines contain water and alcohol. The use of toxic materials is very rare.

Differences between Homeopathy and Allopathy:

1. The study involves long consultation or discussion regarding all aspects of the patient’s illness and life.1. The studies and outcomes of studies are purely empirical.
2. The system seeks to embrace the body’s natural response system by either attacking the root cause of the illness or by encouraging the symptoms of healing.2. The system fights the body’s natural response system by attacking the symptoms of healing.
3. It is a method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects similar to those caused by the disease itself.3. It is a method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects different from those caused by the disease.
4. This treatment generally takes time to show results as it focuses on hitting the root cause of the disease.4. This treatment show results very quickly, as it immediately suppresses the symptoms of a disease, leaving out another problem in the form of a side effect.
5. The treatment shows permanent results, i.e. once a disease is completely treated over a course of time, it will not occur again.5. The treatment provides partial and quick relief from a disease that may not be permanent.

Differences between Ayurveda and Allopathy:

1. It focuses on wellness as a complete package, be it physical, psychological, spiritual, or social wellness.1. It is a system of physical health and it believes in the replacing/changing of the organs or systems for treatment and is not much worried about the cure.
2. It takes the body as a whole and the physician knows all the systems of medicines.2. It takes the body in pieces, is objective and incomplete.
3. This system provides a natural cure in which the scope of side effects is very less or mild.3. This system provides side effects either external or internal.
4. The medicines decontaminate the whole body.4. The medicines partially cleanse the body.
5. The system considers that until a body has the disease-causing factors, diseases will keep hitting again and again. It considers detoxification as a primary part of the treatment.5. The system focuses on suppressing the signs and symptoms of a disease and never appreciates removing the disease-causing factors completely.
Make sure you also check our other amazing Article on : Principle of Homeopathy System of Medicine
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