How to Prepare 0.1 M HCL Solution?

Hydrochloric Acid (1 M)

Molecular formula: HCl 

Molecular weight: 36.5 

Preparation: Dilute 85 mL of hydrochloric acid with water to produce 1000 mL. 

Standardization: Weigh accurately about 1.5 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate, previously heated at about 270ºC for 1 hour. Dissolve it in 100 mL of water and add 0.1 mL of methyl red solution. Add the hydrochloric acid slowly from a burette, with constant stirring, until the solution becomes faintly pink. Heat the solution to boil, cool, and continue the titration. Heat again to boil and titrate further as necessary until the faint pink color is no longer affected by continued boiling. 


Na2CO3  + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H2CO3 

H2CO3 → H2O + CO2↑ 

Factor Calculation: 

2 moles of HCl ≅ 1 mole of anhydrous sodium carbonate 

2000 mL of 1M HCl ≅ 105.99 g of Na2CO3 

1 mL of 1M HCl ≅ 0.05299 g of Na2CO3

Make sure you also check our other amazing Article on: How do you prepare and standardize NaOH for 1M?
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