Importance of Research: Research is very vital to our everyday decision-making in scientific and non-scientific fields. The importance of research and development (R&D) investment has become more evident every day among the factors directly related to good economic performance. Research provides the basis for nearly all government policies in our economic system. Research gives the solution for problems of large and small scale industries, working conditions, the problem of distribution, nature of services allocation of nation’s resources, information on the economic social structure, etc. Research is one of the important parameters for International University Rankings. Hence, all emerging countries make significant investments in scientific and technological research. The more important points related to the significance of research are as follows:
- Research provides the basis for many government policies, e.g. preparation of the budget, allocation of funds to different sections, solution for social problems, etc.
- Research is an important tool in all pharmaceutical and other business industries for higher growth and to improve the quality of products.
- Isolation, identification, and characterization of new living organisms, materials, etc. Novel phenomena and processes such as Human Genome Project, Gene Therapy, Superconductivity, PCR, etc. have been discovered only through research.
- Research is important for social researchers in studying social relationships and finding answers to social problems.
- It is the formulation of scientific knowledge and gives guidelines for solving problems. It helps to study the applications of existing theories and concepts.
- Research leads to a new style of life and a ladder I climb up to new heights in career.
Research is a field that is rapidly changing and growing in its importance for the development of the nation. Many changes are needed in research institutes so that they can compete with ones in developed countries. Researchers or scientists in India, are facing several problems. Some of the important problems are as follows:
- There is a lack of coordination among various agencies and scientists responsible for conducting research.
- The lack of scientific training in the methodology of research is the main handicap for researchers present in different organizations. Many scientists research without knowing proper research methods.
- There is insufficient interaction between University departments, research institutions, government bodies, and industry. There is a need for developing better and many more University-industry interaction programs.
- Repetition of research studies and overlapping of research with other researchers is quite frequently observed in the Indian research community.
- The findings are based on the ability of the respondents to inquire with the researcheral and if respondents are not given the information of their role in research then it leads to marginal errors.
- Code of conduct and ethics should be followed by all researchers when doing any type of research. Inter-university, Inter-departmental and personal, rivalries are also responsible for stalled research projects.
- Library facilities and functioning are not satisfactory at many places and scientists waste their valuable time and energy in finding new journals, books, periodicals, acts, reports, etc. Most of the published data from various governments and other agencies are not easily available for research.
- There is a lack of resources for research in many institutes because of fund scarcity. Scientific equipments, chemicals, library facilities, salaries for scientists, and supporting staff need adequate funds.
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