Pediatric Dosage Calculations Formula

Pediatric Dosage Calculations Formulas
1. Clark’s formula:
2. Dilling’s formula:
3. Fried’s formula:
4. Young’s formula:
5. Cowling’s formula:
6. Bastedo’s Formula:
7. Calculation based on body surface area:
Pediatric Dosage Calculations Formula

1. Clark’s formula:

Child’s dose = weight in (lbs)/150 x Adult dose

Child’s dose = weight in (kg)/70 x Adult dose

2. Dilling’s formula:

  • Used for calculating a dose of a child from 12-20 years of age.

Child’s dose = Age in years /20 x Adult dose

3. Fried’s formula:

  • Used for calculating a dose of an infant up to 24 months of age.

Child dose = Age in months /150 x Adult dose

4. Young’s formula:

  • Used for calculating a dose of a child from 1-12 years of age.

Child dose = Age in years/Age + 12 x Adult dose

5. Cowling’s formula:

Child’s dose = Age at next birthday/24 x Adult dose

6. Bastedo’s Formula:

Child’s dose = Age in Years/ 30 x Adult dose

7. Calculation based on body surface area:

Child’s dose = body surface area of the child/1.73 sq. m x Adult dose

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