Recording of Body Temperature

Aim: To demonstrate recording of body temperature. 

Requirement:  Clinical thermometer. 

Principle:  Body temperature is the degree of sensible heat or cold which represents the balance between production and loss of heat by the body. 

The physical properties of water in blood help to maintain body temperature. Normally, body temperature in adult humans is 37°C (Celsius) or 98.4°F (Fahrenheit) when measured orally. This temperature corresponds to the temperature of vital organs of the body and is also called as  ‘core or inner’ temperature. The temperature on the skin of the body is called surface temperature. The constant core temperature of the body enables it to carry on various physiological processes required for normal functioning.  Physiological measurement of temperature is one of the first tests observed in a person if he/she is not feeling well. This is done by using a clinical thermometer. The body temperature is commonly recorded on three body locations i.e. mouth,  rectum, and armpit. When the person cannot hold the thermometer in the mouth, then armpit or rectal temperature is recorded.

In general, armpit temperature also called the axillary temperature is 1°F less than the oral temperature which in turn is  0.5°F to 1°F less than rectal temperature. 

Clinical  thermometer
Fig.1: Clinical  thermometer 

An elevation in body temperature [(99 to 105°F) or (37.2 to 40.5°C)] is called fever or pyrexia which is usually due to bacterial, viral, or other microbial infections. 

Procedure:  Set the lowest reading in the thermometer by holding the end opposite to the mercury bulb firmly and shaking it downwards carefully until it reads 95°F or less. 

(a) Recording of Mouth Temperature: 

  1. Ask the subject to place the thermometer under the tongue, and close the mouth.  Instruct the subject to use the lips and not teeth to hold the thermometer tightly in place.
  2. During this, the subject shall be instructed to breathe through the nose.
  3. After 2 minutes carefully take out the thermometer and record the temperature.
  4. Take three readings at the interval of 5 minutes and calculate the mean body temperature. 

(b) Recording of Arm Pit Temperature: 

  1. Ask the subject to place the thermometer in the armpit with the arm placed against the body.
  2. After 5 minutes take it out and note the temperature.
  3. Take three readings at the interval of 5 minutes and calculate the mean body temperature. 

(c) Recording of Rectal Temperature (Not recommended for laboratory practical): 

  1. Apply petroleum jelly to the bulb of the rectal thermometer. 
  2. Carefully take out the thermometer face down on a flat surface, and insert the bulb end of the thermometer up to one inch into the anal canal. If one-inch insertion causes discomfort then it shall be inserted up to half-inch only. 
  3. Remove the thermometer carefully after 3 minutes and note the temperature. 
  4. Take three readings at the interval of 5 minutes and calculate the mean body temperature. 


Location1st reading  (°C/°F) 2 nd reading  (°C/°F) 3 rd reading  (°C/°F) Mean  (°C/°F) 
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