Improvement In Rural Sanitation

Improvement In Rural Sanitation: There is a direct link between water and health care. The adequate availability of drinking water and proper sanitation are dependent on individual health and hygiene.

In 1986, the Central Rural Sanitation Programme was launched to improve the quality of life of rural people and provide women with privacy and dignity This term includes the disposal of liquid and solid waste, food hygiene, domestic personal hygiene and environmental hygiene. Unsafe drinking water consumption, improper disposal of human excreta, improper high infant mortality rates are also mainly attributed to poor sanitation

The Central Rural Sanitation Campaign focuses more on knowledge, education, and communication, the creation of human capital, awareness-raising capacity development activities and the generation of demand for sanitation facilities. This will enhance the ability of people to choose suitable options to meet their demands through alternate delivery mechanisms with beneficiary participation.

With an emphasis on community and people-centred initiatives, the campaign is being implemented. In April 1999, the programme was reconstructed again, concentrating steadily on a demand-driven strategy to cover the broader spectrum of rural communities by the end of the 9th five-year plan.


  • The basic objective of this programme was to improve rural women’s quality of life and to provide women with privacy and dignity.
  • Covering schools with sanitation facilities in rural areas and promoting student sanitary habits.
  • Enhancement of the general quality of life in rural areas.
  • Motivate communities and Panchayati Raj institutions through awareness creation and health education to promote sustainable sanitation facilities.
  • Encourage cost-effective sanitation facilities.

Rural Sanitation Programme

  • The important components of the programme are Information, Education and Communication (IEC). These are intended to generate demand for sanitation facilities for households, schools, Anganwadi, balwadi and women’s complexes in rural areas.
  • The Various activities carried out under the portion should be unique to the region and should also include all parts of the rural population in a manner that generates people’s willingness to create latrines and maintain sanitation.
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