Multispecialty hospitals are generally designed for the diagnosis and treatment of several diseases so the concept of satellite pharmacy is adopted in such hospitals which have multi-stored buildings in single premises.
Every day in the morning as well as evening it becomes very difficult to cope up with the distribution of the drug to all the wards. So, in such cases, the hospital runs satellite pharmacy in the form of mini pharmacies, which is situated on each floor.
According to hospital policies few day’s stocks of medicines are stored in the hospital. While the main pharmacy supplies all medicine to satellites pharmacies.
Advantages of Satellite Pharmacy Services
- Efficiently drugs can be distributed.
- The time of drug distribution could be reduced.
- Errors in drug distribution could be stopped.
Disadvantages of Satellite Pharmacy Services
- Effect on the financial statement of a hospital.
- Additional manpower is required.
Make sure you also check our other amazing Article on : Dispensing of Drugs To Inpatient